Open Letter Re: defeat Bill C.45 on the grounds of
violations of human rights.
Dear MPs of the Parliament of Canada and Members of
the Canadian Senate.
As you know, the impending approval of marijuana for non-medical use is controversial, as based on the marked increase in car accidents, emergency room visits, and hospitalizations in Colorado after recreational cannabis approval.
In addition many Canadians, organizations and corporate entities are against the legalization of marijuana. The vast majority of the electorate continue to not use marijuana and do not support more marijuana use in their society. The reasons for this wide disapproval are as follows:
Marijuana is a serious threat to the physical and
mental health of Canadians and its use is a major threat to public safety. 1 Marijuana
use is strongly associated with the onset of psychiatric disorders. 2 Mental
illness causes crime, homelessness, enormous societal costs and suffering. Marijuana use has also been linked to mental
health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. 3 Marijuana
use is associated with an increased risk of prescription opioid misuse and use
disorders. 4
In 2017, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
concluded after a review of over 10,000 peer-reviewed academic articles, that
marijuana use is connected to many problems including: respiratory problems;
mental health issues (like psychosis, social anxiety, and thoughts of suicide);
increased risk of car accidents; progression to and dependence on other drugs;
learning, memory, and attention loss (possibly permanent in some cases); and low
birth weight. 5
Health Canada acknowledges the science the
substantiates the risk that marijuana products pose to reproductive health and
state these products should not be used if a woman is pregnant, is planning to
get pregnant, or is breast-feeding, and should not be used by a man who wishes
to start a family, are under the age of 25. 6
It is requested of the federal government that a Child
Rights Impact Assessment be undertaken to determine conformity of Bill C45 with
the UN- Rights of the Child Treaty. A key aspect of this analysis should be
widespread consultation with children and youth, pursuant to Article 12 of the
UNCRC. If such an assessment determines the proposed legalization framework
violates the terms of this important human rights treaty, under which both the
federal and provincial governments are legally bound, all elected members of
Parliament must be guided to defeat Bill C-45 on the grounds and basis of human
rights violations. 7
Canada cannot function if a large percentage of its
population is addicted or mentally ill or mentally impaired due to marijuana
use. A Canadian’s right to security under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
must not be ignored and this extends to every Canadians right to protection
from drugged drivers as well as protection from second-hand marijuana smoke..
Therefore, all elected officials with a sworn duty to protect the interests of
all Canadians must in the strongest possible terms accept their duty of care in
regards determining the viability and legality of the proposed legislation of
Pamela McColl –
– Canada
Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs,
and Health, November, 2016, Chapters One and two and Appendix D pp.65-66 at:
American Psychiatric Association, Position Statement on Marijuana as Medicine,
paragraph 1 found at:
3. “Is
Marijuana Addictive?” DrugFacts: Marijuana, (June 2015), at:
- citing: Hasin DS, Saha TD, Kerridge BT, et al. Prevalence of Marijuana Use
Disorders in the United States Between 2001-2002 and 2012-2013. JAMA
Psychiatry. 2015;72(12):1235-1242.
Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Current State of Evidence and
Recommendations for Research
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