Sunday, June 7, 2015



Release  June 7th. 2015 Vancouver, BC Canada Smart Approaches to Marijuana Canada  

The Pot Lobby appears to be moving ahead on July 1st. 2015 Cannabis Day Vancouver in spite of Vancouver Police telling Smart Approaches to Marijuana Canada that they would not let Cannabis Day proceed for 2015. 

Smart Approaches youth member Connor Fesenmaier (18), along with retired RCMP officer Chuck Doucette, and Pamela McColl met with Mike Serr of the VPD, directly after Cannabis Day 2014 and they were assured the event would not proceed in 2015. The Chief along with Mike Serr had drawn the line at such an event being held on a family day and the country's birthday. SAM Canada was told that the organizers of the event would be called in and told to not organize. In reviewing their website on June 7th. booth sales are brisk after opening on June 1st. 2015. 

In 2014 Cannabis Day was a farmer's market pot event, with children and adolescents exposed to the promotion of drug use, and marijuana was sampled out and sold on the grounds of the Vancouver Art Gallery. 

Vancouver 420 2015 resulted in 64 people being treated at St. Paul's hospital with symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and various states of consciousness. 
Vendors at Vancouver 420 boast sales in excess of $80,000 for the day and home delivery services were promoted. The cost of law enforcement, the health bills, all were picked up by the taxpayers of British Columbia. 

In Aurora Colorado a sixteen year old girl and her dog where shot when they ordered home delivery marijuana and thugs with guns, masquerading as home delivery, responded to the order with the intent of robbing the customers of their money. The Vancouver Police Department have confirmed involvement of organized crime in the dispensaries. Penny Ballem writes in her report for the plan to license the dispensaries that she would give demerit points to an applicant who was known to be problematic to the VPD. Why not close them outright ? 

The marijuana dispensaries, and the farmer market style event planned for July 1st should be shut down. . 

The delivery of marijuana for medical purposes should be limited to the program run by Health Canada - the MMPR. 

We have written to the Vancouver Police Department to confirm their position and intended action on this issue and await their reply. 
We have filed a complaint with the failure of the Vancouver Police Department to enforce the laws of Canada and close the 93+

Smart Approaches to Marijuana Canada 
Pamela McColl
Chuck Doucette
Connor Fesenmaier 


  1. How much is the tobacco, alcohol, and pharmaceutical industries paying you?

    I wondering what the market rates on souls is. I figured you would all know being that you've obviously sold yours in some sort of devil deal.

    I hope the paycheques are big and worth it because no amount of money will help you when you realize that you are on the wrong side of history.

  2. Pam your a fucking cunt! Go fuck yourself.
