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Free Vancouver Skills for Mindful Living Series Next Workshop - May 14, 2013
Join us for the fourth session of the Vancouver 2013 Skills for Mindful Living Series. This ongoing series of free workshops
is designed to provide participants with opportunities to develop
strategies and skills that promote healthy self, family, and social
relations, and to enhance connections with local health and counselling
support services.Loving an Addict: Loving Yourself Presented by Candace Plattor, MA, RCC Workshop Overview
Whether the addict in your life is your spouse, parent, child, friend,
or colleague, the key to changing this reality for yourself lies in
shifting your focus from your loved one’s addiction to your own
self-care. Join Candace, award-winning author of Loving an Addict,
Loving Yourself: The Top 10 Survival Tips for Loving Someone with an
Addiction, as she presents a dramatically fresh approach to help you get
off the roller-coaster chaos of addiction, maintain your own sanity and
serenity, and live your best life.
The Skills for Mindful Living Series is a free series open to the public. Please forward this email to anyone you think may be interested in attending.
When: Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Where: Adler School of Professional Psychology
1090 West Georgia Street (at Thurlow),Vancouver, V6E 3V7
Time: 7:00 – 8:30pm (Doors close at 7:15pm)
Presenter: Candace Plattor, MA, RCC
Candace Plattor graduated from the Adler School of
Professional Psychology in 2001 with a Masters degree in Counselling
Psychology. For over 20 years in her private practice she has been
helping clients and their loved ones understanding their addictive
behaviours and make healthier life choices. Visit for additional information.
*Registration is strongly encouraged as space is limited.*
Upcoming Workshops: Presenter: Sept. 10 Understanding the Big Four: Anxiety, Ted Levitt
Anger, ADHD & Addictive Behaviour
For feedback or suggestions please contact: Deb Braun, RCC |